Building a Cyber-Resilient Business - A Three-Step Approach - Step 3


Staff Education

Investing in comprehensive training programs is a pivotal step in fortifying your business against cyber threats.

These programs should be meticulously designed to equip your employees with the necessary skills to recognise and report cyber threats. The training should encompass a wide spectrum of topics, from understanding the fundamentals of cyber security to identifying the subtle signs of phishing emails and other sophisticated attack vectors.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, practical training is of paramount importance. Simulating cyber-attack scenarios can provide an invaluable opportunity to test your team’s preparedness and response strategy. These simulations can mimic real- world cyber threats, providing your team with a practical understanding of how to respond to different types of cyber attacks.

This hands-on experience can significantly enhance their ability to respond effectively and promptly in the event of a real cyber-attack.

Fostering a Safe Reporting Environment

Creating a safe reporting environment is another crucial aspect of building a cyber-resilient business. This involves promoting an open communication culture where employees can voice their cyber security concerns without fear of retribution.

Encouraging open dialogue about cyber security issues can help to identify potential vulnerabilities and foster a proactive approach to cyber security within your organisation.

Implementing a ‘no blame’ policy is a key part of fostering a safe reporting environment. Such a policy encourages employees to report potential security incidents without fear of negative consequences. This can lead to quicker detection of cyber threats, allowing your business to respond and recover more rapidly. Moreover, a ‘no blame’ policy encourages continuous improvement by allowing your team to learn from mistakes and near misses.

Staff education and fostering a safe reporting environment are two key pillars of building a cyber- resilient business.

Building a robust cyber security framework is an ongoing commitment, not a one-time initiative.

It involves a continuous process of learning, adapting, and improving to stay ahead of the ever- evolving cyber threats.

By diligently following the steps outlined in this guide, businesses can construct a resilient defence against cyber-attacks, thereby ensuring the safety and continuity of their operations.

Cyber security is not just about protecting data; it’s about safeguarding the future of your business.

A strong cyber security framework can help prevent financial loss, protect your brand’s reputation, ensure regulatory compliance, and maintain customer trust.

For more information or to discuss your specific cyber security needs, please reach out to Orlo One at


Building a Cyber-Resilient Business - A Three-Step Approach - Step 2


The Achilles’ Heel of Cybersecurity: The Vulnerability of Passwords