Empower Your Human Firewall: The Key to Cyber Resilience

Your business is only as strong as its weakest link.

Security Awareness Training isn’t just an IT protocol; it’s the core of a robust defence strategy. It transforms your staff into a vigilant Human Firewall, a dynamic barrier against cyber threats.

Why Invest in Security Awareness Training?

  • 84% of breaches are caused by human error.

  • 1 in 4 employees have clicked a phishing email.

  • Average cost of a phishing attack to small & medium size business is $23,209.

Orlo One Offers Ongoing Training: Your Continuous Shield

  • Testing: Regular testing of users identifies those who require more training and helps continually re-enforce good behaviours.

  • Engagement: Regular sessions keep security top-of-mind, fostering a culture where vigilance is second nature.

  • Empowerment: Equip your staff with the knowledge to identify and neutralise threats. They are the first line of defence.

Cost to implement Cyber Security Awareness training from $45 per user, per year*.

(Needs to be quoted and varies from business to business)


The Achilles’ Heel of Cybersecurity: The Vulnerability of Passwords


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