Three quarters of Australian businesses expect a cyber breach in 2025.

Australian businesses are not ready for inevitable cyber-attacks, and 75% anticipate a cyber breach this year, according to new data in a global survey of 1,700 IT decision makers.

While Australian companies are beginning to understand that facing a cyber-attack is not a matter of if you get attacked, but rather when, only 32% of Australian IT leaders feel their cybersecurity strategies are ready to face advanced threats enhanced by the malicious use of artificial intelligence.

As Ransomware attacks continue to rise, the need for proactive resilience to combat and mitigate risks is critical.

Still, the survey conducted by Sapio on behalf of cybersecurity firm Zscaler, shows one of the key challenges for Australian businesses is a lack of corporate commitment to cybersecurity. Only 35% said it was a top priority for their company.

A pain point shared by many businesses is the lack of dedicated staff to drive cybersecurity. Only 39% of respondents said their business has a dedicated chief information security officer.

If you’re one of the 75% of businesses anticipating they’ll face a cyber breach this year, talk to our Orlo One team today.

As your outsourced technology service team, Orlo One can review what security features you have in place already, fill in the gaps and train your staff so they know what to look out for to keep your information and your business secure.


Who’s minding your security while you’re on Christmas break?